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Pickup Gone Kissing (Social experiment) - Prank from Nepal

Prankster Revival presents latest Nepali prank video which is published online. Prankster Ashish is there to provide you more fun and entert...

Prankster Revival presents latest Nepali prank video which is published online. Prankster Ashish is there to provide you more fun and entertainment. More fun and More videos are always awaiting. rankster Revival - "Enjoy Every Moment" Pranks are supposed to be funny and induce laughter, but some pranks turn tragedies instead of comedies! Here are four such prank videos that were created with an intention to be LOL-worthy, which they surely did, but not for the pranksters!I’m talking about shows similar to the popular “Just for laughs gags” Canadian show, where organized funny pranks are played on the public, professionally produced, and shown as a regular series on a major network.


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